Student Conduct and Discipline

Student Conduct

As the school and parents work together to develop Godly character, it is important that students remember that God expects consistency in all things. The positive behavior displayed at school should also be displayed at home. Students should commit themselves to a code of conduct that glorifies the Lord no matter where they are: home, school, on the ball court, etc.
Discipline is an important spiritual principle. Hewbrews 12:11 says, "No chastening is joyous for the present time, but afterwards it yields the peacable fruit of righteousness." The school and home should be parallel in their disciplinary outlook for moral training to be effective. Only Bible-based philosophy and practice are acceptable. Some guildlines as we build such an outlook are:
  1. The responsibility and authority to discipline comes from God. (Ephesians 6:1-4)
  2. Christian love is at the heart of all discipline; however, correction and chastening are an essential part of firmness of that love. They must be balanced. Firmness without love becomes harsh; whereas love without firmness is unproductive towards the fruit of self-control. Both errors produce, rather than solve, problems. (Proverbs 3:11-12.)
  3. All discipline is designed to show the student his/her sinful will, lead him/her to trust Christ, and become a self-disciplined person who wants to do God's will. (Galations 3:19-24)
HCA hopes to cooperate with the home in forming good habits in the student such as:
  1. Cheerful obedience to authority and school regulations. Such obendience should be willing and immediate.
  2. Responsibility in doing assigned or expected tasks.
  3. Courtesy and respect for others and their property.
  4. Cleanliness in person and property.
  5. Truthfulness in word and life.
  6. Morally good conduct in respect to recreation, social relationships, and language.



Harvest Christian Academy expects full cooperation from both the student and parents in the education of the student. Students who show repeated behavioral problems will meet with the administrator and parents to discuss the course of action needed to correct these problems. This will be an indication that parents need to take action at home so that the teacher's time is not comsumed with behavioral problems instead of academic instruction. If at any time the school believes that this cooperation is lacking, the student may be requested to transfer out of HCA. Among discipline strategies available to the school are:
Kindergarten - Fifth Grade
  1. Verbal reprimand
  2. Time out
  3. Student/Teacher conference
  4. Removal of privileges
  5. Parent/Teacher conference
  6. Suspension/Probation/Expulsion
Sixth - Twelfth Grade
  1. Verbal reprimand
  2. Solitary lunch
  3. Student/Teacher conference
  4. Removal of privileges
  5. Parent/Teacher conference
  6. Suspension/Probation/Expulsion
The following are reasons your child may need to serve a solitary lunch (6th-12th).
  1. Tardy for class
  2. Tardy for school
  3. Unprepared for class
  4. Homework not complete
  5. Talking out of turn
  6. Dress code violations
  7. Gum/soda/food in classroom
  8. Out of seat without permisssion
  9. Running in hallways/gym
  10. Unauthorized use of electronics/cell phones
  11. Any form of plagiarism
  12. Cheating
  13. Unacceptable behavior (talking back, irritating classmates, making fun of others, unruly behavior, inattentiveness, sarcasm, "attitudes", making noises, etc.)
  14. P.D.A. - public displays of affection are NOT acceptable in school or at school activities.