Parent Involvement and Commitment

Parent Involvement

Parents are encouraged to share ideas and concerns with the school adminstration. School policies are decided by the school board. Our board consists of parents and grandparents of currently enrolled studetns. Attending board meetings is strongly recommended.

Parental Commitment

As a parent/guardian of a student enrolled in Harvest Christian Academy, I fully understand that the education of my child is a responsibility in which God has entrusted to me. I further understand that simpling enrolling my child in Harvest Christian Academy does not release me form this God-given responsibility. Therefore, I pledge to support and encourage my child in his/her pursuit of an education in every way possible.
  • I agree to work with the teachers and staff of Harvest Christian Academy to ensure my child the best education possible. I agree to monitor by child's progress, to help him/her with homework, and to confer with his/her teachers on a regular basis.
  • I have read the Harvest Christian Academy Statement of Faith and agree to uphold its principles and lifestyle statement.
  • I promise to uphold those basic Christian values which Harvest Christian Academy teaches by both ny words and by my examples. I promise to pray for and with my child on a regular basis, and to remember both the teachers and the staff of Harvest Christian Academy in my prayers.
  • I understand that my attendance at parent/teacher conferences is mandatory and in my child's best interest, and I agree to this stipulation.
  • I understand that tuition payments are due the first day of each month and I agree to pay my tuiton in a timely manner. I understand that if my tuition payment is late I will also owe a late fee. I understand that tuiton does not fully cover the cost of a student's education at HCA. I commit to pray, to assist in fund raising activities, and when possible, to give contributions to meet the schools monetary needs.